How to Deal With Hot Spots in Your Home

November 18, 2020

If you have spots in your home that are consistently warmer than other places, there can be several reasons why. These spots can be up to several degrees warmer than even the room they’re in. You can eliminate hot spots so your home is consistently the same temperature. Check the Filter and Air Vents Hot spots are often the result of airflow problems. You should replace the air filter at least every three months as a dirty one restricts airflow. Make sure all the vents are open in every room. A closed vent in one room

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Should I schedule fall HVAC maintenance?

October 20, 2020

3 Reasons to Schedule Fall HVAC Maintenance The fall season is a great time to schedule HVAC maintenance services for your home. These services play a key role in keeping your system working at an optimal level to ensure it is more than ready for the winter months. Scheduling these services during the fall is an excellent way to stay proactive. It also helps you avoid costly repair work in the future. Here are a few reasons to consider reaching out to a local HVAC company for maintenance services. 1. Extends the Lifespan

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Should I Get an End-of-Season AC Tune-Up?

September 19, 2020

One of the best ways to keep your air conditioner working great is to schedule an end-of-season tune-up. These tune-up services are a great way to extend the lifespan of your system and save you a lot of money over the long-term. You never want to be stranded in a scorching hot home that is uncomfortable and dangerous due to an unexpected breakdown. Reaching out to a local HVAC company is always a good idea to ensure your system is working great at all times. Here are a few of the top reasons to contact an HVAC

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AC Won’t Cool? Here’s Why

August 11, 2020

There is nothing as frustrating as walking into your home on a hot day in summer to discover that your air conditioning system is not blowing sufficient cold air. There are various causes for your AC unit not cooling your house as it should. The solution might be as simple as replacing the air filter with a clean one, but there are more complicated problems that could require professional assistance. Here are some of the reasons why a cooling system fails to accomplish its job. Dirty Air Filter As the air filter clogs with debris and

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What Causes an Air Conditioner to Freeze Up?

July 15, 2020

When your AC system falls out of balance, it could suddenly stop sending out conditioned air. If you feel warm air blowing from your vents, something is definitely going on. Here are the three main reasons an air conditioning system will freeze up. Blocked Airflow When your air conditioner unit can’t get enough airflow, there won’t be enough heat to keep condensation on the evaporator coil from turning into ice. You should check to make sure the air filters aren’t dirty, which prevents proper airflow. If that isn’t the problem, check that

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Rooftop Air Conditioner vs. A Side-Yard Air Conditioner

June 16, 2020

While both rooftop air conditioners and side-yard air conditioners cool your home, they each have different characteristics and advantages. Neither one is better than the other; instead, they just offer something different. Here’s what to know about the difference between rooftop and side-yard AC units. Rooftop AC Advantages A rooftop AC unit connects to your home’s duct system. It can cycle air through your home more easily than a side-yard AC unit can. They’re highly efficient as they don’t need to work as hard to draw in warm air from your home, since warm air rises.

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How To Test Indoor Air For Mold

May 13, 2020

There are many issues associated with having mold growing in your home. When mold becomes airborne, it can cause respiratory problems and other health issues ranging from headaches to chronic fatigue. A lot of mold can be difficult to detect, but there are ways you can see if there are mold spores circulating in the air in your house. Where to Test Any moist place in your home could harbor mold and

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