During the winter months, you rely on your furnace to keep your home comfortable both day and night. However, without proper care, it may struggle to work at peak efficiency or to work at all when you need it. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to ensure that your HVAC system is ready for the winter season ahead.
Have Your HVAC System Inspected
The first step to getting your heating system ready for winter is to have it inspected and cleaned by the professionals from J.J. Agnello Heating & Air Conditioning Inc in Erie, PA. An annual fall inspection can also help to ensure that your air conditioning system is in good condition before it gets mothballed for the next several months.
To protect your home’s cooling system, it’s recommended that you stop using it once temperatures drop below 60 degrees on a regular basis. If there are any issues with your home’s furnace or air conditioning system, we can make repairs in a timely and affordable manner.
Check for Ventilation or Insulation Issues
Heat can easily be lost because of a gap between two ducts or holes between your home’s roof and the attic. Your home may also be cooler than it otherwise would be if there is insufficient insulation or if existing insulation has been damaged by pests, moisture or other issues.
Have Ducts Cleaned
Cleaning existing ductwork can make it easier for air to flow throughout your home in a more efficient manner. Furthermore, cleaning out your ducts can help to ensure that the air that does circulate around your house isn’t polluted by dust, pollen or other particles.
If you are getting your home ready for the winter season, call the folks at J.J. Agnello Heating & Air Conditioning Inc today! In addition to HVAC inspections and maintenance, we can also perform indoor air quality assessments, clean ducts or take care of your fireplace in a convenient and affordable manner.